American Clean Power Association Supports Offshore Wind Integration Into RTOs/ISOs

Press Release

May 10 2021

WASHINGTON DC, May 10, 2021 – The American Clean Power Association (ACP) issued the following statement on today’s Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) actions on offshore wind integration into regional transmission organizations (RTOs) and independent system operators (ISOs):

“As states continue to turn to clean, reliable offshore wind to decarbonize the electric system and build a robust economic recovery, ensuring that transmission can actually deliver those benefits to customers has never been more important. ACP fully supports FERC’s effort to identify solutions that will integrate offshore wind onto the grid. As the first large-scale offshore wind projects come online under existing policies, FERC should act now to revamp its transmission planning regulations to require every region to take a proactive, long-term approach for the future. This will deploy renewables – including offshore wind – at record pace, reduce air pollution, and create next-generation energy jobs throughout the country.” – Gabe Tabak, Counsel of the American Clean Power Association