Energization Checklist for Clean Energy Sites
Guidance for personnel conducting electrical testing and QA/QC checks during energization.
Electrical testing and QA/QC checks have been performed to reduce any electrical issues during energization. However, there is a limited potential to have a component failure or malfunction during the energization. Therefore, to reduce the exposure to personnel there will be multiple layers of control to ensure everyone’s safety. This checklist is intended to ensure critical areas of the process are addressed and to provide expectations that address the safety of all site personnel.
Since the electrical system is considered mechanically complete there is a potential for electrical energy to flow from the substation to any part of the site. There is also a potential for electrical energy flow from the site to the substation. Therefore, during this period everything inside the substation and site should be considered energized. If work is performed on any components, the component must be isolated per the LOTO (Lock Out Tag Out) procedure or using energized electrical work practices.