Experts from the offshore wind industry demystify project development timelines and financing processes.

For those not intimately involved with decision-making for offshore wind developers, there can be a lot of mystery around project development timelines and when decisions need to be made on project design and financing. The financial challenges facing the industry and what it takes to finance a project are also not well known.

Experts from the offshore wind industry present on these topics and demystify the project development timelines and financing processes. This is important information as these timelines and decisions can lead to a better understanding of the choices projects make and when they may or may not have flexibility in project design and timelines to accommodate project changes. The audience will gain a better understanding of what it takes to develop an offshore wind project and when and how they can properly provide input into the development process.

During this webinar, attendees will learn:

  • Why the offshore wind industry is facing financial challenges
  • When decisions are made in the project development timeline
  • How the project development timeline syncs up with the BOEM leasing and permitting timeline
  • How projects are financed and what goes into those decisions


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