Pass the Energy Permitting Reform Act

The Energy Permitting Reform Act delivers a solution for the slow, inefficient permitting process preventing the U.S. from deploying more clean energy and building new power-transmission lines.

Image displaying the text Pass the Energy Permitting Reform Act and a picture of the fact sheet.

The Energy Permitting Reform Act (EPRA) of 2024 seeks to accelerate the permitting process for critical energy and mineral projects of all types in the U.S.

Introduced by Senators Joe Manchin (I-WV) and John Barrasso (R-WY), Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, EPRA would help the U.S. to meet the growing demand for electricity, deploy transmission lines to deliver clean, reliable power, and strengthen American energy security.

The Energy Permitting Reform Act will enable:

  • 350 GW+ of clean power projects
  • over $700 billion of investment
  • an estimated 3 million jobs
  • the foundation for the U.S. to reach its full clean energy potential

Read more about why it’s important for Congress to pass this legislation in our fact sheet.

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