AWEA Comment on FERC Carbon Pricing Policy Statement

Press Release

Oct 15 2020

FERC’s move encourages states to continue considering carbon pricing in their electricity markets.

Washington, D.C. – The American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) today issued the following comment after the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) put out a policy statement on state-determined carbon pricing in wholesale markets.

“AWEA applauds FERC for issuing a bipartisan policy statement related to its timely and pivotal recent technical conference on carbon pricing in organized markets. An overwhelming consensus emerged at the conference that carbon pricing in markets is a powerful and cost-effective tool to drive down emissions and achieve state policy goals, while preserving the benefits of competition. The policy statement reflects this consensus—acknowledging that state carbon pricing produces economic and environmental benefits and encouraging states and regions to explore establishing such rules in their markets. We look forward to working with the states and regions to develop carbon pricing proposals for FERC’s consideration that will allow competitive power markets to accommodate decarbonization goals at the lowest cost to consumers.” – Amy Farrell, AWEA Senior Vice President, Government and Public Affairs