ACP Statement on Disappointing Record of Decision for Western Solar PEIS

Press Release

Dec 20 2024

WASHINGTON, December 20, 2024 — The American Clean Power Association (ACP) released the following statement today from Chief Policy Officer Frank Macchiarola after the U.S. Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announced its Record of Decision on the Western Solar Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS), which defines areas available for and excluded from solar development on public lands in 11 Western states:    

“It’s disappointing BLM did not finalize a more balanced approach to development and conservation. The solar industry has consistently raised concerns during this process about the impact of land exclusions and project design features that are not even remotely addressed by this decision. Solar resources are part of the equation in addressing challenges to the sustainability of our public lands, while also helping provide Americans with affordable and reliable power.” 

“This final decision represents a missed opportunity to deliver benefits to the U.S. economy and our energy security and reliability by helping pending and future projects get approved on an appropriate timeline. Reducing unnecessary regulatory hurdles that hamper development of clean energy resources on public lands is critical. ACP remains committed to working with all stakeholders to mitigate such barriers.”