ANSI/AWEA 61400-11-2017 (R2023) | Wind Turbine Generator Systems Part 11: Acoustic Noise Measurement Techniques

A graphic with the words "Industry Standards" in bold text hovering in the sky and in the background you can see solar panels, a wind turbine, an energy storage facility, and a transmission tower

The ACP Wind Technical Standards Committee is proposing to reaffirm at its 5-year review period ANSI/AWEA 61400-11 (2017), an identical national adoption of IEC 61400-11-3:2012. The IEC has not started a revision cycle and is in the process of balloting to extend the stability date, so this standard remains current. This standard presents measurement procedures that enable noise emissions of a wind turbine to be characterized. This involves using measurement methods appropriate to noise emission assessment at locations close to the machine, in order to avoid errors due to sound propagation, but far enough away to allow for the finite source size. The procedures described are different in some respects from those that would be adopted for noise assessment in community noise studies. They are intended to facilitate characterization of wind turbine noise with respect to a range of wind speeds and directions. Standardization of measurement procedures will also facilitate comparisons between different wind turbines.