Community Service Project
CLEANPOWER has selected the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Salt Lake City to be our community service partner for 2021.
Our goal is to raise $30,000 together to help fund their STEM education program activities focused on teaching kids about renewable energy. When kids have access to high-yield experiences, they have the opportunity to overcome barriers to success. With diversity being the Boys & Girls Club’s strength, we are thrilled to provide support to this organization where 78% of club members are from low-moderate income homes, 31% are from single-parent homes and 35% are Black, Indigenous, and other people of color.
Working with the BGCGSLC’s STEM Coordinator, ACP is supporting a solar focused STEM activity for the clubs the week prior to our conference. We will then visit the Spence Eccles Club (less than a mile from the Salt Palace Convention Center) on Tuesday, December 7 for a Careers in Renewable Energy presentation to the club members. If you would like to be a member of the volunteer committee who will visit the club, please email for more details.
The Spence Eccles Club is a green building utilizing solar panels. You can read more about it here.
A special thanks to our community service project sponsor: