Wichita Eagle editorial blog endorses PTC extension

In a brief article posted Sunday, the Wichita (Kans.) Eagle's editorial blog joined a growing number of newspapers endorsing an extension of the federal wind energy Production Tax Credit (PTC), praising U.S. Sen. Jerry Moran (R-Kans.) for his leadership role in a bipartisan Senate initiative to extend the credit (see Bipartisan group of 12 Senators calls for PTC extension, Feb. 24; Moran visits Siemens factory, pushes PTC extension, Feb. 22).

Eagle editorial staff member Rhonda Holman, the article's author, wrote, “Like the man he replaced in the Senate, now-Gov. Sam Brownback, Moran understands that the end of the credit could hurt [Kansas’s] ability to be a wind-power leader and to build on its rank as No. 1 among states in wind turbines under construction. As Moran and 11 other senators argued in their letter to Senate leaders, 'An extension of the wind production tax credit should provide for some long-term stability while setting forth a path for how the wind industry can move towards a market-based system.'”

A House bill seeking to extend the PTC has 72 cosponsors, including 18 Republicans. This legislation has received the endorsement of a broad coalition of more than 370 members, including the National Association of Manufacturers, the American Farm Bureau Federation, the Edison Electric Institute, and the Western Governors’ Association. A PTC extension also has the support of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the bipartisan Governors’ Wind Energy Coalition, which includes 23 Republican and Democratic Governors from across the U.S.

Further endorsements of the wind energy production tax credit

Related articles:

Daily Oklahoman editorial endorsing wind energy Production Tax Credit extension

Kansas City Star editorial endorsing wind energy Production Tax Credit extension
Denver Post editorial endorsing wind energy Production Tax Credit extension
New York Times editorial endorsing wind energy Production Tax Credit extension
Lake County (Ill.) News-Sun editorial endorsing wind energy Production Tax Credit extension
Garden City (Kans.) Telegram editorial endorsing wind energy Production Tax Credit extension
Topeka (Kans.) Capital-Journal editorial endorsing wind energy Production Tax Credit extension

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