The Texas blackouts: Don’t misplace blame on renewables
Texas is currently experiencing once-in-a-generation cold weather that has caused widespread blackouts across the state. Companies are working as quickly and creatively as possible to restore power to the residents and first responders bearing the burden of this anomaly, hopefully bringing an end to this hardship as soon as possible.
In the coming days and weeks, it will be critical to understand what went wrong so that similar events can be prevented in the future. However, it’s already becoming abundantly clear renewable energy isn’t to blame. Those arguing otherwise either haven’t looked at the data or are willfully obscuring the truth and politicizing the event to advance agendas that have nothing to do with restoring power to Texas communities.
While the extreme cold did force some wind turbines offline, the overwhelming majority of failures occurred at thermal power plants, like coal, natural gas and nuclear facilities. In fact, wind and solar produced at about the level ERCOT, the grid operator for most of Texas, expected. Check back here later this month where we’ll share a complete analysis of what this extreme weather event induced, and what can be done to prevent a recurrence, as we get a full picture of what happened. In the meantime, here’s a roundup of news and analysis:
“Don’t point too many fingers at Texas wind turbines, because they’re not the main reason broad swaths of the state have been plunged into darkness. …The majority of outages overnight were plants fueled by natural gas, coal and nuclear, which together make up more than two-thirds of power generation during winter….” —Bloomberg
“It’s becoming harder for the U.S. to ignore the very real effects of global climate change — and despite the efforts of naysayers, it’s not a push to renewables that’s to blame for the outages sweeping the nation. It’s the country’s energy infrastructure…Shortages of natural gas, which must first go to heating homes, hospitals and other facilities that serve human needs, curtailed production of some power plants. Others could not operate under the extreme conditions which went “well beyond the design parameters of an extreme Texas winter.” —TechCrunch
“Since wind in Texas generally tends to produce less during winter, there’s no way that the grid operators would have planned for getting 30 gigawatts (GW) from wind generation; in fact, a chart at ERCOT indicates that wind is producing significantly more than forecast.” –ArsTechnica
“Unsurprisingly, the blackouts immediately led to many assuming that, somehow, wind power had caused the blackouts. Immediately, a narrative began to emerge, across media and far-right networks: the wind turbines were frozen solid by the cold…” — Renew Economy
“The biggest shortfall in energy production stemmed from natural gas. Gas pipelines were blocked with ice or their compressors lost power. Much of the gas that was available was prioritized for heating homes and businesses rather than generating electricity. That’s helpful for people who use gas for heating but less so for those who use electric furnaces.” —Vox
It's confirmed: The blackouts in Texas are primarily because of frozen instruments at gas, coal and nuclear plants — as well limited supplies of gas, according to Ercot.
Frozen wind turbines were the least significant factor.
— Catherine Traywick (@ctraywick) February 16, 2021
Main story continues to be the failure of thermal power plants — natural gas, coal, and nuclear plants — which ERCOT counts on to be there when needed. They've failed. Of about 70,000 MW of thermal plants in ERCOT, ~25-30,000 MW have been out since Sunday night. Huge problem.
— Jesse D. Jenkins (@JesseJenkins) February 16, 2021
"It is just a lie that wind turbines, 'green energy' are the root causes of the problems in Texas right now,” says @chrislhayes discussing the right wing attempt to turn power outages into a culture war.
“A lie pumped into millions of people's brains as they watch TV.”
— All In with Chris Hayes (@allinwithchris) February 17, 2021
@ERCOT_ISO spokesman says 34 GW went offline. "Majority" were thermal—#gas, #coal, #nuclear. "We don't know exactly why, but … we'll figure out why that happened."
— Sonal Patel (@Sonalcpatel) February 15, 2021