Harnessing the #PowerOfWind in Education

In classrooms, playgrounds, and lunchrooms around the country, kids are sharing some pretty insightful perspectives on the future of our planet.  Today’s youth know clean air, water and soil will not be part of their future unless we take steps now to protect our environment. Whether in schools funded by local wind farms or classrooms that have never even seen a turbine in person, students recognize that wind power and renewable energy are key pieces of the puzzle to secure a healthier future for all of us.

Beyond the environment, teachers and parents know that wind energy can play a critical role in each student’s personal future. With rapid growth projected for the foreseeable future, wind engineer and technician positions (America’s fastest growing job) will need to be filled by qualified professionals. Besides jobs, wind farms generate income and revenue that help fund communities, education programs, farms, libraries, fire departments, roads and countless other public facilities. All while creating clean, locally sourced energy for customers.

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To help support these important discussions and encourage future engineers to explore the potential of wind energy, we are very happy to hear that our friends at Avangrid Renewables have brought back the #PowerOfWindContest for another year.

The rules are very simple:

  • Visit powerofwindcontest.com
  • Download and color the design
  • Upload your submission, and encourage your friends, family and community members to vote for your artwork

One grand prize-winning school will receive a $2,500 energy education grant from Avangrid Renewables, as well as a free KidWind Basic Wind Experiment Kit Classroom Pack. Your students will have the chance to design their own wind turbine and experiment with wind power right in their classroom.

The top 25 submissions that receive the most votes will also receive a KidWind Basic Wind Experiment Kit Classroom Pack. Make sure to get your entries in soon!

Submissions will be collected through November 11, 2016. To participate, head over to powerofwindcontest.com.

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