AWEA statement on New York 9 GW offshore wind target

Press Release

Jan 16 2019

The American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) issued the following statement reacting to Gov. Cuomo’s offshore wind announcement.

WASHINGTON—The American Wind Energy Association issued the following statement reacting to New York Governor Cuomo’s announcement, which more than triples the state’s offshore wind development target from 2.4 GW by 2030 to 9 GW by 2035.
“By more than tripling New York’s already impressive offshore wind goal, Governor Cuomo has redefined offshore wind ambition nationwide,” said Nancy Sopko, Director, Offshore Wind Policy & Siting at the American Wind Energy Association. “New York’s new goal also underscores the importance of ongoing efforts to identify new lease areas amid fierce competition from major energy developers to be the first to harness world-class U.S. offshore wind resources at scale.”


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